Anti Hunt
Endurance Performance
by Ben Hunt
September 2022 to Present
Performance artist Ben Hunt sweats through a 6 hour endruance experience. He is dressed in anti-hunt activist gear, on a treadmill. taking in an 'idyllic english countryside scene' when the sound of hounds in cry set him sprinting into action.
The endurance is supported by a gallery of performative pieces, such as soundscapes, video, maps, and even a mechanical horse for the audience to mount and become the hunter, the pursuer.
Recent Performances:
1st July 2022 at Borderlines, De Montfort University, U
28th September 2022 at Post-Graduate Showcase, De Montfort University, UK
27th January 2023 at Critical Misanthropy Conference, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
17th Feburary 2023 at De Montfort University, UK
Venue: Public spaces and galleries
Audience: 12+
Duration: 6 hours
Performers: 1
Performance Format: Gallery space
If you would you would like us to bring Anti Hunt to your venue and/or would like more information, please do get in touch.
*Workshops are an optional accompaniment to the performance.